Raspberry margarita popsicles are like an edible, frozen version of a cocktail.
Rhubarb Liqueur Float
Despite making a double batch of the rhubarb liqueur recipe I recently posted, it’s nearly gone. We did have help from friends at a party, but I can’t blame them entirely. For our fast alcohol consumption, I’ll partly blame credit my invention of this rhubarb liqueur float. You know how rhubarb crisp goes really well […]
Margarita Popsicles
Margarita popsicles are like an edible, frozen version of a classic cocktail
Strawberry Rhubarb Crisp Recipe (Gluten-Free)
As promised, here’s the second half of this week’s rhubarb bonanza (the first half was rhubarb liqueur). This was another experiment with gluten-free baking that turned out well. The cornmeal gives it a nice crunch, and it’s not too sweet, but it pairs perfectly with some vanilla ice cream. And who can resist that lovely […]
Rhubarb Liqueur Recipe
I know I’ve gone on and on about how much I love rhubarb, but this week I’ve got proof, in the form of two different rhubarb recipes. The first is this rhubarb liqueur. It was actually inspired by one you can buy, called Rhubarb Tea. I say “inspired by,” but what I really mean is […]
Watermelon Mojito Cocktail
As it has started to feel like real summer, I’ve been craving watermelon. So I bought one the other day. But you know how on those tables for changing babies in public restrooms, they haveĀ warnings not to leave your baby unattended? Watermelons should come with those. I was preparing to cut mine up, and […]
DIY Cream Soda + Root Beer Cream Soda Cocktail
When I started this kitchen project, I was surprised to discover that cream soda doesn’t actually contain any cream. It seems like it should, doesn’t it? Although commercial cream sodas are probably made with artificial flavors, “cream soda” flavor is really easy to create with just sugar, lemon, and vanilla.
Lemon Almond Yogurt Cake with Rhubarb Compote (Gluten-Free)
For my housemate Karla’s birthday I made this lemon almond yogurt cake, which is gluten-free because she’s sensitive to gluten. I was a bit nervous about baking without gluten, because I haven’t done much of it, but this cake turned out wonderfully.
Lemon Lavender Buttermilk Pops
Knowing that it was supposed to be really hot this weekend, last week I started looking for a new popsicle recipe. The ones I’ve made in the past are great, but I wanted something a bit different. In my search I came across this recipe for buttermilk lemon popsicles, which was intriguing, because I had […]