Category: Blogging


Looking Forward

Are you sick of all of the introspective posts about 2015 and resolutions for 2016? Well, here’s a bit of a late one. 2015 was kind of a flat, ‘meh’ year for me. Partly, I think, it just suffers in comparison to the rollercoaster year of 2014. In 2014 my husband and I bought a house, went […]


Blog Improvement: Design

In my first post in my blog improvement series, I recommended 10 ways to improve your blog. So far I’ve discussed how to improve your blog’s photography, and today I’ll tackle blog and graphic design. Design is an area in which I am entirely self-taught, and thus I feel like I have a lot of […]


Blog Improvement: Photography

When I started my blog, I had a point-and-shoot camera that I bought in the early 2000s, and I had never taken any sort of photography class. I didn’t really know what I was doing photography-wise, and it showed. Eventually I acquired a digital SLR, but I didn’t begin to seriously improve my skills until […]

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