Tag: earrings


DIY Concrete and Gold Gem Jewelry

These concrete and gold gems were born out of the failure of another project. Actually, it wasn’t a complete failure, because I eventually adapted that project to work. But when I was originally envisioning the wall-mounted stud earring rack I made, it was a tabletop version. I experimented with pouring it a cement block base, […]

DIY Tutorial

DIY Tassel Earrings

After I posted my tutorial for a tassel chain necklace last week, I started thinking about different types of tassels, and how to make them. I’ve shared a tutorial for how to make leather bag tassels and beaded tassels, but I had never made tassels from thread. So I made two different versions, one from embroidery […]


DIY Leather Earrings

As I promised at the end of yesterday’s tutorial for leather triangle earrings, here’s the template for the third pair of earrings that I made from leather scraps. Minus painting the leather, I used the same basic steps as I did in that project, so if you need instructions, check out that post. And you […]


Shop Update

Lately I’ve been having lots of fun with metal. Not the kind you headbang to. The kind you cut with a saw and solder and hammer (which makes a similar din to the musical kind). These simple copper circles are one of the first pairs of earrings I made. They’re pretty minimalist, but the large […]

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