Summer in Portland is all about the beautiful outdoor weather (to make up for the rain the rest of the year), so this week I went to two outdoor events in the parks and took several long walks. Here are some photos I took along the way.
Clockwise from top left:
The Hawthorne bridge, at sunset, completely unenhanced.
My walking attire: Leopard skinny jeans, neon socks, and studded Converse.
A peak at the tutorial I was working on this week, a pearl-embellished shirt collar.
This is a poetry box near my house. Every once in awhile a new quote or piece of poetry appears, and I quite like this most recent one.
The St. Johns bridge is one of the prettiest bridges in Portland, and this is what the underside looks like. We watched Trek in the Park (a live performance of a Star Trek episode from the original series) in Cathedral Park.
We encountered this huge owl on a late-night walk home. It was sitting in the street in a neighborhood, harassing a crow. At first glance I thought it was a cat, until it flew up into a tree and stared at us. A little research revealed it was probably a Great Horned Owl, and it’s kind of crazy to think that they just live in the city of Portland.
See more at my instagrid page.