The second-to-last time I went on a short trip I reached my wit’s end with my travel bag. The strap length was all wrong, making the bag really uncomfortable and unwieldy to carry, and it wasn’t really big enough for all of my stuff. Which makes sense, considering that I don’t think it was actually made to be a travel/weekender type bag. So on the last trip I went on, I borrowed a travel bag from my housemate. Huge difference! It was so much easier to pack and carry. Clearly having the right bag makes all the difference, and it helps if it’s also attractive. Here are some pretty ones I found.
1. Herschel Supply Co. Novel Weekender Bag
2. Herschel Supply Co. Ravine, Olive Polka Dot
3. Deux Lux Luka Weekender Bag
4. Kate Spade Saturday The Weekender Bag in Stripe
5. Mara Hoffman Vinyl Printed Bag
6. J.Crew Abingdon Weekender
7. Anthropologie Hildy Weekender
8. Deux Lux Raleigh Weekender Bag