Recently I’ve been making plans for the room that was formerly my office, but which will be a nursery/baby room in the near future. After I had already moved my desk out of the room and into the basement, I realized that I’ve never really shown the space here. So I wanted to give you a peek at the space before I totally change it up, and get some input on a few design ideas.
The part of the room that I’m the most proud of is this giant custom bookshelf that Steven and I made. It was one of the first projects that we did when we moved into the house, and one of the first real woodworking projects I had ever done. There wasn’t much to do other than cut the wood, sand it, finish it, and then attach the pipes, so it was a good beginner project.

It’s made of plumbing pipes, and 11-foot reclaimed Douglas fir beams that we had to bring in individually through the window, then assemble in the room. It holds almost all of our books, DVDs, and a bunch of Steven’s games.

We’re going to put it, and everything on it, in the basement. It’s going to be a huge pain to move, because we’ll have to disassemble it, take it out the window, then put it through a basement window and reassemble it. And to make it fit the space, we’ll have to cut down one of the shelves. I’m a bit sad about it, but things change, and this will make more sense for our lives.
I don’t have a complete plan for this room yet, but I have a few ideas. One is to paint the walls. Originally I wanted to go with white walls, but Steven wasn’t on board with that, so now I’m thinking a nice light mint. My sweet husband, partially motivated by his desire not to have to paint a room, points out that the blue on the walls is already pretty close to mint. Depending on the lighting in the room, he’s right, BUT I still want to paint. What do you think, should I just stick with the blue?
The other design idea for this room involves the ceiling light. I definitely want to replace it with something more interesting and special.

My plan for the light involves a cross between this:


And this:

Confused? Don’t be! Basically I want a round paper pendant light hung from an ornate ceiling medallion. I think I’ve figured out how to do it, so I’ll keep you all updated on how it turns out.
Eventually I’ll give you guys a full rundown on my plans for the room, but this is where I’m at with it right now. What do you think, am I on the right track?
Would it be possible to leave that gorgeous bookshelf and just relocate the books? You can get some soft bins to hold clothes and diapers and baby books. Depending on the width of the shelves of course. I love that light blue, but it is difficult to tame that voice in the back of your mind that screams for you to renovate! Haha. Personally, I love accent walls or murals. I found this one recently and thought that if my husband and I end up having another baby, I will paint this in the nursery. Or something like it. https://goo.gl/images/ZixpPw
Lindsi, that’s a good idea, but we’d still have to buy and assemble bookshelves for all of our books, and this bookshelf just doesn’t say “baby” to me. Maybe it is just that voice in the back of my head that wants a change, though 🙂
That mural is a great idea! I originally wanted to do an accent wall with the forest wallpaper that Emily Henderson used in her nursery (https://stylebyemilyhenderson.com/blog/a-baby-girls-blush-and-green-nursery), until I realized that it would cost like $500. But a painted mural would be much less expensive, and easier to change down the road. I’ll have to see if Steven would be up for painting some mountains, thanks!